In addition to attending as part of the congregation, parishioners are invited to participate in Mass by volunteering to be:
For more information, contact the rectory at 330-666-1373.
The Second Vatican Council, in its Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, speaks of the Holy Eucharist as the source and the summit of our spiritual life. This means the Holy Eucharist is the source from which all other blessings flow, as well as the summit to which all of our spiritual works are directed.
Holy Eucharist for the infirm may be brought to those confined to their homes by the Priest, Deacon or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist upon request. Area hospitals do provide Catholic Chaplain service, however, notification should be made to the parish office when one has been or expects to be admitted to a hospital, nursing home or hospice center so that arrangements may be made. If you are or a family member are unable to attend Mass due to a hospital stay or long term illness please contact the Parish Office at 330-666-1373.
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